What is the Ten Series?

Over a series of 10 sessions, the practitioner and client work together to let go of poor postural habits and unwind holding patterns that cause the body strain and teach it to move, breathe and live in ways that are balanced, free and upright.  Dr. Rolf developed a systematic approach moving through the body and addressing key areas in each session and although each session is unique to each body and its needs, the overarching themes are as follows:

Session 1:  Opening the surface envelope of the body.  This is our first opportunity for me to get to know your body and its patterns and for you to understand how we will work together in the sessions. We will investigate what is restricting you from realizing the full capacity of your breath and how we can unlock any restrictions.

Session 2:  Opening the feet and lower leg for better mobilization and balance (the platform on which the whole structure balances).

Session 3:  Releasing and opening the lateral line of the body.

Session 4:  Release of the mid-line of the body. Work focuses on enabling better access of the medial arch of the foot via the inner leg and pelvic floor.

Session 5:  Releasing the deeper core, viscera and psoas.  Exploring where unnecessary holding may be occurring and re-training more harmonious functionality to support the body in motion.

Session 6:  Releasing the fascia of the backline.  This is the whole area from just above the eyebrows, over the head, down the back and legs to the underneath the feet where the ball meets the toes.  Tension in this sling of support can be in one place (ex. adhesions on the plantar fascia) yet be felt somewhere else (ex. low back pain). 

Session 7:  Releasing and re-balancing the fascia of the head, neck and face.  In this session we work in the nose and mouth to access the bones and fascia of the cranium.

Session 8:  Organizing and retraining the lower limbs to the core.

Session 9:  Organizing and retraining the upper limbs to the core.

Session 10:  Horizontalizing and finding whole body balance.  Anchoring the explorations, releases and retraining throughout the series.

In the course of the series, it is sometimes helpful to break a given session into 2 sessions or to have a Rolf Movement session in order to fully ground the focus of the session.  This is in cases where there is a lot of work releasing and re-patterning to be done in a particular area.  We will discover this together as we proceed through the series.

Post 10 Series sessions: It is recommended to allow time for the release, re-patterning and re-training of the 10 series to integrate after the series is complete as changes will continue to unfurl in your being for 6 months to 1 year.  That said, in the normal course of life, new injuries or other body altering changes can occur, and in these cases more sessions can be helpful to help bring the body back into balance.


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